Friday, May 14, 2010

May Days

Hooray Dorothy is going to be baptized! Rob surprised me by suggesting we go to the Allen's Alley Rib Burn-Off, and I figured we could do it then. Pastor Geiser who baptized me is going to assist. I wonder if he's in a wheelchair? Anyway, Doodlebug is becoming more of a person every day. Sometimes I forget she's a baby and expect her to behave reasonably. She tries very hard, but gets overwhelmed sometimes. Who can blame her with two spazzes for parents? Her smiles and "coos" get stronger every day and I swear I heard a full on laugh today...not even asleep!
I am feeling worried that I might be getting boring to Robbie but I am leaving D at Grammy and Grampa's for a few extra hours tomorrow so I can start on my Annie stuff. The days go by so quickly just doing Mommy things, but then I'm not left with much to say at night except to repeat the gossip I heard from whomever I talked to on the phone that day. I guess I should read some good books or something to keep my brain going. I am bored with my own thoughts. I think working on Annie and even the American Idol class will help. I could work on another performance class with Sam? I love being Dorothy's mom.....those words don't cover it...I was BORN to be her mother and to learn about love from her, but I still feel like a slacker when I think of all the women who do it all. I know that she won't always need me every second like she does now, but it's hard to see past it, and it's so easy to get lazy. Speaking of....I need to work out! I have absolutely no butt!! Even Rob noticed and that's saying something :)

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